Winter Seminar with Keira D’AmatoFeb 17 – 18, 2024In the world of distance running, Keira D’Amato stands out not just for her incredible athletic prowess, but also for her infectious love of laughter and humor. Widely known for her track achievements, D’Amato has become a beloved figure in the running community, bringing a unique blend of talent and joy to ...
Hello TCTC! Hope everyone has had a great 2023. As we enter 2024 there are a few updates I’d like to share.Early December gave us the Mistletoe races and the TCTC Holiday Party. In addition to the many TCTC members running the Mistletoe races the TCTC also provided pacing support for 11 groups in the half marathon, and all pacers ...
My oh my, what a way to end the 2023 year in TCTC. As the temps continue to drop, clothes continue to get longer and start to layer up to keep us warm. That doesn’t stop TCTC and other community members from pushing through the cold weather. The end of the season is coming to a close with the 40th annual ...
Since 1977, the Twin City Track Club has promoted running and healthy lifestyles in our community. Over the nearly 50 past years, we’ve welcomed hundreds of local running enthusiasts into our ranks. We are honored and delighted to welcome Lexi as our 800th member this month. As a young runner, she represents the future of running in our club and ...
My name is: Nicholas AtzBut I’m also known as: NickTo sum myself up in a nutshell: I’m a runner and triathlete And I’m originally from: Hillsborough, NCI’ve been in Winston-Salem: Since 2016. Lived downtown for several years and recently moved to the Pfafftown area.Became a TCTC member because: I joined some of the Ultimate Runner and track Tuesday workouts and ...
Whether you’re new to the running community or you’ve been around for a while, you’ve heard terms relating to intaking carbs and proteins. They’re often used interchangeably but there is a pretty substantial difference. Stick around and I’ll break down the differences.In simplest terms, carbohydrates (carbs) are food used to fuel the body. A quick and easy anatomy lesson, the ...
If you’ve been a school affiliated athlete, you understand the struggle when it comes to planning a racing season. Many people in this same boat may only have 1 race in mind as they decide whether to keep going, or have no experience creating a racing season since it’s been planned out for them. Here is a guide to get ...
Nestled in the picturesque landscape of Greenville, South Carolina, the Greenville Half Marathon, AKA “The Swamp Rabbit Race,” offers a unique and exhilarating experience for both seasoned runners and enthusiasts alike. The race takes participants on a journey through the scenic Swamp Rabbit Trail, weaving through the heart of the city and its surrounding natural beauty. This annual event has ...
Ordinarily the “Volunteer Of the Year” award is given to a club member who goes above and beyond giving back to not only the club, but the community as well. Though every once in a while, there is more than one person who goes above and beyond and it’s just too close to pick one or the other. This is ...
Twin City Track Club marathoners were very busy this year! The list below includes all those who responded to our request for 2023 marathon information plus a few more we were able to pull together from other sources. This list includes 52 marathon finishes with an average time of 3:44:41. That is impressive!Congratulations to all! Your earned the recognition! Finisher ...