My name is: Eddie Wooten, but I’m also known as the Running Shorts guy. Myself in a nutshell: Married and father of two adult sons—Will, with daughter-in-law Briana, and Joe. Sports editor for the Winston-Salem Journal and the News & Record in Greensboro. Filed my first story for the Farmville Enterprise in August 1976 at age 13; 43rd year in ...

We’re getting there!  The “return to normal” continues to progress for TCTC and most other things in our lives.  In person racing is back on the calendar.  Activities are being scheduled. Group runs are growing in number.  It feels good.As we’ve continuously adapted and learned over the past 16 months, we’ve been fortunate to have access to information from numerous ...

Bill Gibbs – Race Timing For Bill Gibbs, it all began with a bet and a $20 prize. In 1994, a friend bet Bill that he could run faster than him To prove his speed, Bill entered the Planters for Fitnuts race—a precursor to the Beat the Heat race. He won a prize—$20—and gained a community. The racing season has ...