A theme in the past couple of years with the gathering of TCTC at the annual club picnic seems to be the fickle weather. This year was no exception. Sunday morning brought with it threats of storm clouds but thankfully, the rain cleared and by the time the afternoon rolled around it was just another beautiful spring day here in Winston Salem.
A little over 80 members and their families gathered around the picnic shelter at Leinbach park as burgers and dogs were grilled, home made sides and deserts were enjoyed, greetings and embraces (and maybe even a few family recipes) were exchanged. Members mingled for a while catching up with old friends and meeting new ones too. Once dinner was served and everyone settled in, the business of the evening began.
Current President, John Anderson stood and addressed the crowd thanking each and every member for being there and giving special shout outs to those who have given of their time and energy to serve on the board this past year. He then proceeded to announce the list of proposed board members for this upcoming year and asked for a vote to officially welcome each of them to their new position. The vote was unanimously approved and below are your Twin City Track Club 2024/2025 board members.
President: Terry Wilmoth
Vice President: Karen Preli
Treasurer: Teresa Inman
Races/Equipment: Bill Walker
Activities: Payton Kilby
Activities: Kimberly SuChy
Membership: Melissa Hobson
Membership: Malcolm Macdougal
Webmaster: Er Ralston
Social Media/Marketing: Alicia Rider
Flyer Editor: Jay Welch
Past President: John Anderson
Member At Large: Bill Gibbs
Member At Large: Jim Aguilar
Member At Large: Marisa Browning
We welcome each one of you new board members and look forward to all the value you will bring to the club this year. For everyone else, please remember that we are a volunteer army and all of the incredible races and events that we get to experience as part of this organization are only made possible by generous folks like you. If you’d like to learn more about how you can give back to the club you love, email us at [email protected] and we will find a place where your unique talents can shine! Thank you for being a part of TCTC and we will see you out on the roads, tracks, and trails!