Picture this. It’s Saturday morning and you lace up your favorite pair of running shoes as you step outside your front door. It’s a nice 55-degree day and your body and mind are feeling great. You take off on your long run full of excitement and energy. A couple of hours later you return home spent. You feel exhausted in ...
A theme in the past couple of years with the gathering of TCTC at the annual club picnic seems to be the fickle weather. This year was no exception. Sunday morning brought with it threats of storm clouds but thankfully, the rain cleared and by the time the afternoon rolled around it was just another beautiful spring day here in ...
38 years ago this June, a new type of race was born. This wasn’t just any event. It was an endurance event like no other. One that would test not only athleticism and running ability but grit, determination, and resilience. This event took no prisoners. It chewed up, spat out, and burned the shirts of quitters but for those few ...
Alrighty Flyer readers, buckle up, this is gonna be a long one. We usually try to keep our articles short, sweet and to the point to keep your attention, but we’re making an exception for the 2024 Boston Marathon. A questionnaire was sent out to gather the runners’ experiences and the responses received were too great to pick and choose ...
Hello Twin City Track Club! For those of you that don’t know me, my name is Jay Welch, and I am the new Editor of the Twin City Track Club Flyer. Now, I know what you’re thinking: “New editor?! But we loved Sheri so much! She did a fantastic job!” I heartily agree with you, and I hope you’ll join ...
Welcome, New Members! Every month, we’ll be posting our new members. Below are the individuals who joined in April 2024, so let’s give them a warm TCTC welcome. Thank you for joining Twin City Track Club!Learn more about joining Twin City Track Club here.Andrea AdamsJace AdamsJosiah AdamsTamara AdamsAnna Perry BryanFred BryanJennifer BryanHeather ButnerDavid DarabNikki DunnCaleb HungerfordCatie Jensen GrayAdam KlineErin KlineCharlotte ...
One of the many benefits to the Twin City Track Club is the availability of a track that’s open to the public. Unless you ran in high school or college, you may not know the ins and outs of how to formally use a track. If you’ve had a chance to visit the track, you know that it can be ...
Hello TCTC! Hopefully 2024 is going well for everyone. We finally seem to be closing in on consistently nicer running weather, other than the pollen-infused air.An update on some recent club events; the ever-popular $5 5K on the Muddy Creek Greenway has resumed for the season with another sold-out event in April. That was followed up by the Boston Marathon ...
How ironic is it to be a runner and have asthma? Partaking in a sport that often leaves you breathless is certain to feel even worse when your lungs perform less than optimally right? Absolutely. But you’d be surprised how common it is to find asthmatics who choose to pursue running in spite of any potential hurdles. Two of our ...
When you’re new to the running community, it’s not uncommon to feel overwhelmed and intimidated by all the jargon you hear other runners using. This honestly could apply to all sports and even life in general, but how do you get to the point of knowing as much as some of these long time athletes? Well, it’s key to remember ...