We Want You! (To Write Articles For The Flyer)

I’m not a writer…

Lucky for you, you don’t have to be! Our flyer team feels strongly that being a writer is much like being a runner. If you’re writing, no matter what it’s for, you’re a writer!

In all seriousness, you don’t need to be a bona fide writer to write an article for the flyer. A vast majority of article writers are normal runners like you. On another hand, you have not one but two dedicated volunteers who will help amp up your writing to the next level, so you are covered through and through.


I can give it a shot, what do I write about?


There’s a few different scenarios we often work with when working with members, however, we’re really flexible and open.


  1. We may notice a particular topic about you that we think could apply to you specifically and reach out to you directly to write about that. Some things include: first time races, big events you’ve done, etc. 
  2. If you were part of a group event, like Swamp Rabbit, Boston Marathon, or the upcoming destination race in Richmond, VA, we’ll send a questionnaire about various things relating to the race and your overall experience.
  3. Beyond that, you can write about just about anything. The one thing we ask is that it’s mostly family friendly, and it has some relation to running or otherwise active lifestyle. The world really is your oyster.


What if I get stuck or don’t have any ideas?


That’s what we’re here for! We are happy to set up communications in any way needed to support you and your article. If you’re unsure about a topic, you can send an email to [email protected] and we can discuss. If you get stuck, feel free to send us what you have and we can make suggestions.


Will you review it and make changes? 

We will absolutely review it and edit as needed. We value your input so we try to keep changes minimal so it’s still your voice.


How long does it need to be?

This is really up to you. You can write as much or as little as you want about your topic. This is your baby. 


Will I be asked to do this all the time?

Well we would love for you to do any article with us, at any time. Every person in this club has a story and we’d all love to read about it. If you decide you enjoy writing, you’re more than welcome to reach out to ask about some topics to write about now or in the future. Heck if you really enjoy it, you could be the next volunteer board member for the flyer! If you decide you got the t-shirt and you’re happy, that’s okay too. This is not a mandatory thing, just an opportunity to share your experiences with your fellow runners.


I have a topic I wanna write about, but I see it’s been written about in the past, can I still write about it?


Absolutely! Everyone’s athletic journey is different. If you peruse through the flyer history, you’ll notice a few general topics have repeats over time. While the topic is generally the same, the content within it and what runner’s have experienced were vastly different and that’s what this is all about!


I often see pics posted with these articles, how is that done? I want to make sure my good side is viewed. 


From you of course! We love the photos taken. If you have one you really like, send that in to us so we can use it with your article!


To sum things up, we have a great team of writers, but we want to hear more! Which is where you as the members come in. This is an open opportunity for you to voice your involvement in the club, events, or other related topics to the world of running. We’re happy to work with you to bring your writing to the next level while still sounding like you. You may find you enjoy writing and want to do more! We’d 100% love to hear from you as much as you’d like. If you have any other questions or concerns regarding writing articles for the flyer, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]!