President’s Message – May/June 2022

2018 Beat the Heat. Photo by Robert Hill

I’m so proud to be a part of Twin City Track Club!

I can’t believe it’s already been one year since I stepped into the role of President for Twin City Track Club. It has been a great experience thanks in large part to the awesome support of the TCTC Board of Directors and many more club volunteers. Please read more about your board at the end of this message.

I’m delighted to let you know that our membership is at an all-time high with 660 members at the time of this writing. As we celebrate our 45th anniversary as a running club, the benefits of membership are better than ever. Here some of my favorite things about Twin City Track Club:

Running Groups – I love running with other people and apparently many of you do also. TCTC members host and participate in numerous running groups for multiple paces, distances and workout types. Many are formal run groups with published run information and several more are informal run groups coordinated by individual connections. I wrote more about Running Groups in last month’s President Message and you can find that info here.

Social Activities – It’s so much fun connecting with other club members in a social setting to talk about running, races and other topics of mutual interest. Plus I get to catch up with runners that I can’t keep up with on the roads. TCTC offers social activities every month of the year. TCTC Activities are published bi-monthly on . You can also learn about TCTC Activities and Races on the club’s website by viewing and/or

Running InformationThe Flyer published bi-monthly by Twin City Track Club is one of the best and most-read running publications in our area. Articles include a wide variety of topics including race recaps, runner profiles, running news, upcoming events/activities and many more related topics. It is one of the best sources of information about running in Winston-Salem. Members receive a bi-monthly email with a link to the most current information.

Volunteering – I don’t know about you, but I find it feels really good to give back to the running community through volunteerism. I’m happy to say that we’ve returned to pre-COVID level of volunteer opportunities. TCTC members are filling more than 300 volunteer spots per year and the number of opportunities continues to grow. If you are looking for an opportunity to volunteer at running events or activities, please let us know. You can find out more about TCTC volunteering at

As mentioned at the beginning of this message, you are fortunate to be part of a club with a super active and highly productive board of directors. This team of people works tirelessly and enthusiastically to support you and the running community at large. I am so grateful for all they do. I especially want to thank 5 members who are rotating off the board this year:

  • Administrative Vice President – Ashley Esleeck
  • Co-Activities Director – Colleen Sands
  • Co-Activities Director – Hannah Boles
  • Race Timing Chairman – Bill Gibbs
  • Webmaster – Lionel Alva

You have all done a great job and we are forever grateful for your service. 

In closing, I encourage all members to engage as much as you can in club events, activities and volunteerism and serving as an ambassador for all we do. If you know someone that may be considering TCTC membership, you can share this webpage with compelling information for Why Join TCTC.

Happy Running!
