Hello TCTC! Let’s go for a run!
In several prior President’s Messages, I have reflected on the social aspects of running. The fact is that most of us really enjoy the fellowship that comes from our running activities. I was reminded of this once again when several of us ran the Wilmington Half Marathon this past weekend. It sure was nice to be greeted by familiar faces at the finish line. It was fun to debrief and congratulate each other on our accomplishments. And there was pride in knowing that we had represented Twin City Track Club at an out-of-town race.
Next month, 29 members of TCTC will be representing our club at the Boston Marathon! And I’m sure that many of them will enjoy each other’s company in both pre-race and post-race meetups, dinners, celebrations and other gatherings. The rest of us will be cheering them on through tracking apps, checking race results online, or just simply sending our best thoughts their way.
These are just a couple of examples of how we fulfill our social needs by being a part of a running club. Beyond these destination races, we socialize with each other through running activities on a regular basis by means of group runs, club activities, races, volunteering, etc. Not to mention our running related social media. Strava kudos anyone? Like many of you, I really look forward to my group runs. It is so much fun to talk and support each other as we crank out our weekly mileage. Time just seems to fly by when we run together.
In the coming weeks and months, we will have numerous opportunities to engage with each other through the activities and events of Twin City Track Club. In particular, the St. Patrick’s Day Hash Run is scheduled for March 18. There are other opportunities to join group runs, race, volunteer or plan upcoming events. If you’re looking for more ways to enjoy the social benefits of our running club, then let me know!
In the meantime, we’ll see you on the roads – and enjoy each other’s company!

Happy Running!