Can you guess the irony? I run because I like to socialize with other people. That’s right! I chose one of the most individualistic sports available – so I could be with other people. Seems ironic to me, so let me explain.
At first, I ran 5Ks – fast. Over quick with a lot of hard breathing (and dry heaves at the end when done correctly). Not much time to socialize. As I grew older, I made the transition that every good runner makes – longer and longer race distances.
At the half marathon distance, I found that I could enjoy running with an official pace group or find my “own people” – much more social. And then I got faster, and I found there were less people running my pace… not that I really had anything to complain about, that is not like Justin Pfruender, Molly Nunn or Donnie Coward – talking about running with few people around you!
But as injury and age have slowed me a bit, I once again find it fun just to be in a pack of people out doing the best we can and encouraging each other onward. It matters not that I know the person well or that we have just met in the starting corral or in the last mile.
This is a subsection of racing. I didn’t even run Swamp Rabbit (Half in beautiful Greenville SC), but I attended with my amazing wife Dana and the TCTC contingent. I got to drive 4 runners from the hotel to the start. We had a great conversation and they were so appreciative. Then I cheered them across the finish line – great job Ed Flowers!
Later that day a self-directed walking tour of Greenville’s cute downtown, coffee with my wife and great food with friends and teammates – low country boil (yum) with a coke (of course). Traveling to a destination race is sooo much more fun with a group of friends and TCTC members who become your friends.
A BIG thank you to Terry [Wilmoth] for organizing this trip and getting us back to traveling to races as a group. (And congrats to my wife for setting a Half and a 10K PR at Swamp Rabbit – you rock!)
Please don’t get me started on training runs. I can’t imagine training by myself. The allure of running with friends is so strong that one year I got up at 4:25am three mornings a week to be out the door by 5:00 am running to the Y to meet my group. And it started seeming normal…
This is one of those things I always tell new runners – find a group! We need more group runs. If you would like to start a group run, please contact a board member and find out how to best organize one. Soon you will find “your people” …and your favorite donut shop …coffee shop …bagel place …breakfast joint …beer hall… etc.
Well Marisa [Browning] said this was to be the topic of my article. So, I feel a bit like Sara Bareilles when she wrote a Love Song for her record label… you’ll just have to wait until next month. 😊
More to come on the [possibly] penultimate reason to run with a group.
In the meantime, keep training, keep traveling, keep racing and keep enjoying your running!
And definitely show your true colors with a visit to the TCTC “Tis The Season” Virtual Apparel Shop! The shop will close November 14th.