My name is: Ashley Randall
But I’m also known as: “Stat Man” from an early obsession with recording every detail of my workouts.
To sum myself up in a nutshell: I am a multi-sport athlete who runs because it requires the least preparation.
And I’m originally from: Phenix City, Alabama, but I lived in Savannah, Georgia, most recently.
I’ve been in Winston-Salem since: July, 2021
A proud member of Twin City Track Club since: January 1, 2022
Been a “runner” since: High school track and cross country
The longest distance I’ve ever run is: 26.2 miles
Memorable running experiences
- Race: “Perfect 10” for the Savannah Rock’n’Roll Marathon & Half
- I’d rather forget: Not stopping to let my wife take my picture at Cinderella’s Castle, when I did the Goofy Challenge
My motivation to run is: To stay fit and healthy
But when I’m not running, I enjoy: Cooking, camping and canoeing (although I have not been doing much of the last two recently)
One thing running has taught me is: You cannot judge a runner by their appearance, their form or their style
I wish I could: Qualify for Boston
Most people don’t know I: Love blue-water, keel-boat sailing
These are a few of my favorite running things
- Vice: Chocolate Almond Fudge Brownie Clif Bar
- Device: Garmin Vivoactive HR
- Advice: Recovery is an essential part of fitness training
- Running footwear: I keep a quiver of shoes on rotation
- Pre-run/post run fuel: Banana/chocolate soy milk