Name: Anne Monterosso
To sum myself up in a nutshell: I’m friendly and probably too chatty.
I’m originally from: Chelmsford, Massachusetts, is where I spent the majority of my childhood, but I have lived in several states, including Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia, South Carolina. I’m on my third and final time (hopefully) living in North Carolina.
I’ve been in Winston-Salem: Actually I live in Davie County, and I’ve been here since 2014.
A proud member of Twin City Track Club since: December 2021!
I’ve been a “runner” since: I ran a little bit in high school in the 1970s, but I was not very consistent with it. Since the pandemic, I started walking several miles a day and then decided to see if I could run in order to surprise my daughter who was trying Couch to 5K. So, I am a very new runner (Summer 2021).
The longest distance I’ve ever run is: A little over 4 miles.
Memorable running experiences:
- Rave run – The first time I could run 5k without stopping.
- Race – My first race (Run the Runway in Greensboro in September 2021). I learned a LOT during that miserably hot race. Mostly I learned what “not” to do during a race.
- Gone postal run and/or I’d rather forget – Not applicable. All runs have been learning experiences so far!
My motivation to run is: Health benefits, stress reduction, spending time with my daughter doing 5Ks, having a shared goal with her.
But when I’m not running, I enjoy: Watching hockey, DIY projects, live music, spending time with family, yoga.
One thing running has taught me is: I am able to achieve goals that I never thought possible, so the lesson is don’t sell yourself short. Imagine what you could do if you “thought” you could.
I wish I could: I used to wish I could run faster or longer, and I still do, but I now believe that running “smart” is a probably a better idea at my age (59).
Most people don’t know I: I’m an expert-level Biscotti baker and marina maker.
These are a few of my favorite running things:
- Vice: Chewing gum!
- Device: My iPhone, Fitbit and my cheap but, so far, reliable TOZO T6 wireless earbuds.
- Advice: The flipbelt waist pouch has helped me figure out what to do with my phone, car keys, etc.
- Running footwear: Still trying to decide this one. I started out with Saucony Hurricanes and liked those a lot, but I’m now trying Brooks Adrenaline GTS21.
- Pre-run/post run fuel: I need ideas/guidance for this one!