If you’ve run for any amount of time you probably have realized that runners are a special breed. We wake up at crazy hours of the day to, well, RUN. We spend money to run. We travel to run. We even spend free time on weekends RUNNING. We read books on running, listen to podcasts on running, and constantly talk about running. PR, PB, BQ, the dreaded DNF, we even have our own language. Why would anyone in their right mind even consider being a runner, much less make it a family affair? Well, as fun as it is to constantly be sore, never go out on Friday nights, always watch what you eat, and chafe in places you didn’t know you could chafe (ouch!), it is one of the most enjoyable and transformative experiences you could share with those you love.
Our family—my wife and daughter and I—found our mutual love for this sport when the world shut down in 2020. Like many other folks, we were getting outside a lot more than usual and we decided to lace up our running shoes and go explore. What started out as my wife running a mile (only because they closed the gyms) eventually turned into family runs together with our daughter, competitive races, and an incredible community. While the cool medals, fun T-shirts, and post-race highs are awesome, we found that the true treasures of running as a family lie beneath the surface.
Running is a lot like life. We all start at the same place with no skills and no experience. We all progress the same way: one step at a time. We dream big dreams, create a plan, then pursue them with all we have. We face obstacles and challenges. We get knocked down and have to choose to stay down or get back up one more time. We learn to trust ourselves, lean on others, and press on even when things are difficult. We realize we can do more than we imagined yet we still have a lot further to go. Running grows us, teaches us, and pushes us constantly toward the best version of ourselves.
Perhaps the most gratifying part of running as a family is witnessing the growth of our daughter, Sofia. From casually running with us through our neighborhood to joining Crazy Running to racing and winning awards in local 5Ks we’ve seen her blossom into a strong young leader. As parents, we seek to instill good values in our children. We typically use stories of past victories or defeats to pass on life lessons about values such as perseverance, grit, determination, humility, and resilience. The beauty of running as a family is that we get to demonstrate these values for our daughter in real time. We don’t always get it right but we are always striving to improve and that attitude will serve her in all areas of life.
If you’ve read this far, you’re probably thinking, “That sounds great but where do I even begin?” If that’s you, I get it. The best advice I can give is get connected and active in a community like Twin City Track Club. This will introduce you to people with like skillsets, similar interests, and a desire to grow and develop alongside others. With runs almost every day of the week and tons of events throughout the year, there’s something for each member of your family to enjoy. If you want to get started or learn more reach out and let’s get you connected. Most importantly have fun and we’ll see you on the starting line!