How To Keep Your Running Resolution In 2025

Photo Credit Robert Hill

It’s hard to believe but it’s that time of year again! Resolution season is upon us. If you’re like many millions of Americans you are thinking through your goals and dreams for the upcoming year and more than likely at least one of your goals is fitness related. Since you’re reading this article, I’d be willing to gamble you may have even a running-specific resolution or two in there. While studies show that about 50% of all New Year’s resolutions are fitness related, unfortunately, they also tell us that upwards of 80% of people will give up on their resolution by the end of January with as little as 8% actually sticking to it for the remainder of the year. How do you make sure this isn’t you? Read on to find out how to (actually) keep your running resolution this year!

So, what are the best tips for resolutions that stick? Here are 5 tried and true techniques that will keep you running all the way through next December.

  1. Set Specific, Realistic Goals

Many of us try to set goals that are too vague. We will say things like, “I want to run more this year”, or, “I want to get faster.” The problem with setting goals this way is that we have no meaningful way of tracking our progress and as a result our motivation wanes. A better approach is to set a specific, measurable goal that we can break into milestones to maintain momentum. (Think, “I want to run a sub 30 minute 5K” or “I want to complete a marathon.”) Side note: it’s okay to be realistic here. If you aren’t currently in the habit of exercising, instead of making your goal to complete a marathon by the spring, try shooting for a 5K or 10K first and then build up to your ultimate goal of the marathon. Consistency will beat intensity in the long run and you are in this for the long run (ha! see what I did there?).


  1. Find Accountability

Studies have shown that accountability improves the likelihood of achieving a goal by upwards of 60%. This is good news for all of us because the opportunities in the running world are numerous to get involved with a group that will provide accountability and support especially on those days when your motivation starts to wane because, let’s face it we can’t be super motivated every single day. If you are looking for a group to hold you accountable in 2025, a great place to start is right here with the Twin City Track Club. There are numerous membership perks including several group runs scheduled throughout the week. Whether you’re brand new to running or training for your next world major there is a place for you.

(Email [email protected] for more information on group runs)

  1. Schedule Your Runs

Scheduling is a vital part of any new habit. While there is debate over the benefits of running in the morning vs. the evening, the advice I give my clients is this: pick a time that works for you and run at that time every day. Consistency wins in the end and if you schedule in your run as an appointment with yourself, then you increase the likelihood that you will stick to it and hit your goals.

  1. Celebrate Small Wins

Let me be clear with this one. Celebrating small wins should be done in a way that is congruent with your end goal. For instance, if you are running to lose weight, then eating a slice of cake after completing your first run may not be the wisest way to celebrate. Instead find other ways that support your end goal and reward yourself for the progress you are making toward it. Some examples of ways to celebrate could be get a massage, buy new running gear, take a walk in nature, or anything else you enjoy that supports your overall goal. This will aid in motivation to keep going while simultaneously serving as a reminder to express gratitude and appreciation for how far you’ve come.

  1. Make Running Enjoyable

If you don’t enjoy running, then the chances you will stick with it are slim to none. Some ways to keep your runs enjoyable include:


-Listen to music, a favorite podcast, or audiobook while you run.

-Run with friends.

-Switch up your route and explore new areas. (Make sure you notify someone for safety purposes)

-Try different types of running or workouts (i.e. trail running, intervals, track days, etc.)


Since you’ve read this far, I can tell you’re serious about crushing your running goals in 2025 so I’m gonna give you a BONUS technique! If you add in this technique it will be like pouring gasoline on the fire and you will see your results dramatically improve. Ready for it? Here it is. TRACK YOUR PROGRESS. It’s been said, “what gets measured gets managed”, and your running journey is no different. There is no shortage of logs (both physical and digital) you can purchase to track your running and it doesn’t matter which you choose, it only matters that you choose one you will stick with consistently. For a free, digital log that can be used in conjunction with technique number two, I’d suggest setting up a Strava account and joining the Twin City Track Club group. This is a fun way to build community and stay on track as you make 2025 your best running year yet!