Beat the Heat Supports Running for Everyone

Lauren "LB" Bruce of Ainsley’s Angels in the Triad accepts a check for $3,121 from Beat the Heat Race Director Er Ralston.

“Promoting running and fitness in Winston-Salem” isn’t just a nice nonprofit mission statement for the Twin City Track Club. It’s a passion for a sport and the healing, uplifting effects it has on our whole community.

This passion was on full display in the 2021 Cook Medical Beat the Heat races through its Charity Partner program. The program is a way to further support our mission to promote fitness and health, and to improve the quality of life for individuals and families. Each year, a portion of Beat the Heat proceeds go to our nonprofit charities.

This year’s event, held in person and virtually, raised over $6,000 for our Charity Partners Ainsley’s Angels, which makes endurance events accessible and builds awareness of our special needs community, and Mission: Feet First, which provides good-fitting shoes for our homeless neighbors.

Beat the Heat Race Director Er Ralston presented a check for $3,121 to Lauren “LB” Bruce for Ainsley’s Angels in the Triad and another for $2,923 to Fleet Feet’s Emily Davis for Mission: Feet First.

Race participants are given the opportunity to contribute to the Charity Partners when they sign up for Beat the Heat, further increasing the charitable contributions. Beat the Heat has donated more than $28,000 to Charity Partners over the past six years.
