We made it through another season of summer running in Winston-Salem! Whew! After 20+ years of running through the summer heat and humidity, I am so thankful for the numerous public water fountains our city has to offer. Planning run routes with access to water can be a lifesaver (literally!) on summer days. Here is my top 10 list of ...
A great tradition since the earliest days of Twin City Track Club is the group run. Opportunities sometimes fluctuate with the seasons. Here are a few of the current running groups:Tuesday Evening Outdoor track workouts – Meet on the Bob Sosnik Track at Hanes Park, 6 p.m.Wednesday Evening Indoor workouts at JDL November–March, 6–8 p.m., dates here.Saturday Morning 11-12ish pace ...
Hurray for fall running!We had a sneak peak at fall weather a couple of weeks ago. Lower temps and lower humidity made for a few nice days of less sweaty running. It sure did feel good!While we live in an area where we can easily run 12 months out of the year, the weather changes we experience in the fall ...
Summertime is a busy time for Twin City Track Club! While many organizations tend to back off on activities during summer months, we are as busy as ever serving the running community. Kudos to all of you who are chipping in through organizing and volunteering to make it all happen!Our race calendar includes 6 races during the June through August ...
Greetings Running Buddies!I am so thankful for the all the running groups I’ve experienced through many years of running! And when the COVID pandemic first broke out a couple of years ago, these groups suddenly became my primary source of socialization. Running groups are the best! Speaking of running groups, what an awesome turnout we had for the group run with ...
Happy New Year!I’ve always enjoyed this period of time for reflecting upon the past 12 months and establishing goals for the coming year. I find this both rewarding and comforting. While this exercise can be implemented in many areas of life, it can certainly be applied to running accomplishments and goals. I enjoy reading the many end-of-year posts by my ...
Earlier this year, the members of Twin City Track Club voted to revise our bylaws to include a mission statement: To inspire and support all runners in our community. This mission statement was initially developed by your board in 2017 concurrent with the club’s 40th anniversary and is now a formal affirmation of what our club is all about. Pretty ...
“Change is the only constant in life.” Greek philosopher Heraclitus made this statement around 500 BC. It’s still true!Of course some change is welcome – who’s looking forward to a change to cooler fall weather for running workouts? Bring it on! We’re also looking forward to a return to traditional fall races that had to be modified or canceled last ...
We’re getting there! The “return to normal” continues to progress for TCTC and most other things in our lives. In person racing is back on the calendar. Activities are being scheduled. Group runs are growing in number. It feels good.As we’ve continuously adapted and learned over the past 16 months, we’ve been fortunate to have access to information from numerous ...